Remote execution of client code from the server

When creating browser applications for Pick applications, people frequently ask how they can execute some code on the PC/client with instructions from the server. We do this all the time with terminal emulators in our “thick client” user interfaces. But what about doing this with a browser?

MV apps for Web2.0

Web2.0, SOA, SaaS – there are similarities and vast differences but what they all have in common is that MV business applications are generally not prepared for any of them. I’m looking for a good accounting system that can be used in the modern business world. If you have one, let me know. If not, here’s how you, the VAR […]

MV to the web – Part 2

This is part 2 in the “MV to the web” series. In the first part I described code changes needed to specific functions to separate out the UI from the rules. In this part I’ll describe a structure you can use for all program item/subroutines to organize your modularized functions.

MV to the web – Part 1

A lot of BASIC developers still want to get to the web, but they aren’t sure what’s required. Let’s work it out here. This is Part 1 of 3 blog/articles that will help to get you started.