Working at Home – Better

More people are working at home. Businesses are struggling to figure out new ways to communicate internally, with partners, and their client/consumer audience. When a company sends people home to work, I think there is more to the effort than just giving them network access. I think we need to reconsider how we communicate and what needs to be communicated.

Charts from MV – Part 2

Following up on Part 1 of this topic, As I continue working on this I’m quite pleased with the progress. I am providing screenshots, and the code which I’m using for testing – just not the code that actually generates the charts.

Charts and Graphs from MV

I’m working on a project that requires dynamic charts and graphs. I took another look at Google Charts today, and it didn’t take long to create an interface with MV BASIC. Now I can easily create bar charts, and I’ll soon extend this to support lots of other types like pie charts, line graphs, and candlestick charts. So now do […]