Single code base, multiple MV DBMS platforms

Did you know you can use a single code base for multiple incompatible MV DBMS platforms? Most developers only care about coding to a single platform but many of us support many platforms. Those who do support multiple platforms have their own preferred way of maintaining their code.

Common language binding for MV interfaces

A recent U2 forum discussion brought up yet another topic that’s been close to my heart for a long time. The original inquiry was for an interface from PHP to Universe. Many people have excellent suggestions. The topic gradually starts to include Perl and Java. But there is a bigger picture here.

Protected: Endianness – not about Native Americans

Many of you are familiar with the concept of byte ordering, or you’ve heard the terms Big-endian and Little-Endian. Various utilities are used to converts one to the other. Let’s take a look at this topic so we know where and how we need to be concerned about byte ordering, regardless of the DBMS we use. The endianness of a […]

Activating Nebula R&D Software

While activating a Universe/HP-UX site we realized that the license verification process may work differently depending on the OS user permissions. To explain this I thought I’d provide some insight into how our activation process works.

Upgrading U2PE

I just upgraded my older U2 Personal Edition environments to the latest release. Here’s some FYI for anyone else upgrading (Windows) Unidata 7.1 to 7.2 or Universe to 10.2.

Request for new product feedback

NebulaRemoteControl is the working name for a new product is getting close to a 1.0 release. Excerpts from the documentation are provided in this blog entry to explain what it is. Inquiries are welcome from site managers, VARs, and developers.

Nebula MV ASP.NET Starter Kit?

We’ve been putting together an ASP.NET starter kit which may or may not be productized. It’s a Visual Studio solution / template which includes the following features.

MV and Relational Data Exchanges Part 1

One of the most common inquiries we see in MV forums involves exchanging data between the MV DBMS and relational databases. In this multi-part series over the next couple weeks, I’ll describe ways to get data flowing in both directions without using platform-specific ODBC tools. This Part 1 is just an introduction and I’ll start describing some details in Part […]

D3 FlashBASIC History and Usage

Questions frequently arise in forums about how FlashBASIC works. So I thought I’d summarize it here. First, a primer on compilation and object code in general

Lonely D3 Shell Variables

A question came up in comp.databases.pick that asked how we could use a pre-defined set of values in a D3 query. For example: SORT CUSTOMERS WITH STATE “AZ” “CA” “NM” “OR” … but getting the state codes dynamically. Sure, we can do that, using shell variables.

PrintWizard Tip 01

People frequently ask about PrintWizard, how it works, what they can do with it, etc. As time permits I’ll start posting some info here about how to use it. Unfortunately this won’t start at the beginning like a tutorial. I’m just going to post some nice tips as I happen to think about them. In this first tip I’ll show […]

Cross-MV development made easy…er

I just finished setting up the latest mv.NET v3.5.1.2 and used the Data Manager to create simultaneous connections to multiple MV environments. I dunno if other people get as much of a kick out of this as I do but just the ability to do this tickles me.

NebulaXChange : Excel to MV and beyond

A long time ago there was a product called CrowFlight that retrieved data into Excel from MV. Some companies still have it and I occassionally get a call from someone looking to replace it. Well… I now have two ways of using Excel formulas to call into MV, and this functionality can be combined with NebulaXLite.

New Product and New Forum

We released a new product today, though it’s been on the website for about a month to start drumming up interest – and that it did. NebulaXLite allows MV BASIC to create "real" Excel workbooks – and it seems to work with OpenOffice and Google Doc Spreadsheets too! We also have a new forum to discuss our product and service […]

Don’t Migrate – Integrate

Faced with a migration from your current software package? Lost a client to Oracle, SAP, Quckbooks? Many MV shops lose the war because they aren’t invited to the battles. And sometimes even the people who win wind up losing. There is a better way.

Mixed Messages

Why do I suddenly feel like someone just asked me if this computer thing will really catch on, or if water is a good idea?

D3 C Functions – Part 1: Confusing docs?

A recent forum posting said the D3 Reference Manual is "confused" about which %functions are for Unix and which are for Windows. I have a lot of comments on this topic but with just a couple minor exceptions I disagree with the statement that the doc is really "confused" anymore.