Nebula MV ASP.NET Starter Kit?

We’ve been putting together an ASP.NET starter kit which may or may not be productized. It’s a Visual Studio solution / template which includes the following features.

Tips for CSS and ASP.NET

As I’m sitting here tidying up some CSS in a new ASP.NET app, I thought I’d provide a couple tips that I’ve found to be helpful.

ASP.NET and AJAX tips

I found a couple articles regarding performance and scalability for ASP.NET, and ASP.NET with AJAX. I think these are a good read for anyone doing development with these tools.

The Dreaded Back Button

Once in a while this question comes up about what to do when the user hits the Back button in a browser app. Well, the italian in me says "break their fingers", but most of my colleagues aren’t italian, so here’s a solution for the rest of you.

Linux and .NET

I’m starting to get more questions about .NET with Linux, using ASP.NET with Apache, writing Web Services in C# with Mono, etc. I’m providing some excerpts and paraphrasing here of recent exchanges I’ve had with prospects and clients.

Master Pages and w3HtmlInsertSection

Whenever I read about ASP.NET Master Pages I’m immediately reminded of how they are just like FlashCONNECT w3HtmlInsertSection. See the code for the Template: Multiple Sections demo, then see this for a short intro to master pages: CodeGuru: An In-Depth Coverage of ASP.NET 2.0’s Master Pages: Part 1 of 3

ASP.NET tables

I have to remember to not use the Table Server Control unless it’s absolutely necessary.

Handcoding web.sitemap

I decided to check out the System.Web.UI.WebControls.SiteMapPath for a project I’m working on. Sometimes I’ll research the tools in my toolkit and other times I’ll just pick up the tool and see what I can do with it – in this case I chose the latter approach. This is going to require some reading on my part.