I’m Tony Gravagno and I welcome you to this site. I’ve always been hesitant to do a blog but I guess it’s time. Here you will find information on many topics and insight I’ve derived over time. I will share many thoughts with you about business, technology, the universe around us, and many opinions on which we may disagree. I’ll share my expertise on various topics, as well as my learning processes, with the hope that others will learn from my successes and failures – and I certainly hope you will comment on the material to help guide this process. As seen in the navigation bar, the blog already has a number of categories where I will be posting topical notes and more will appear as appropriate. Please be sure to check out the Terms of Use page for copyrights and disclaimers, the About page for general info, and the How to Use this Site page for uh… never mind. Thank you for visiting!
2 thoughts on “Welcome”
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I have all the links in this blog set to open a new page. What do you folks think? Good idea or irritating? I’l see if I can find a way to make it user-selectable.
Also, note that this site is not yet accessible to RSS aggregators because of the initial login process. So please don’t bother registering articles or comments with RSS.
A colleague pointed out that the font on the category pages seems to be different than from the home page. I’ll fix this soon. [Hint] You can adjust text size if you have a roll wheel mouse by using the ctrl key and wheeling up or down.
There also seems to be a discrepancy in the number of articles listed in each category vs the actual number. This might be because some articles are cross-posted. That is, an article on Ajax with ASP.NET would be found in both categories. I’ll look into this.