Website Design – Establish a consistent theme
For developers who use ASP.NET, DesignBais, and other tools, it’s important to design the look and feel of a website before too much front-end work is done.
For developers who use ASP.NET, DesignBais, and other tools, it’s important to design the look and feel of a website before too much front-end work is done.
From the "give um an inch" department, it seems people aren’t happy with eliminating the back button from the browser. Eliminating all of the browser buttons wasn’t good enough either. No, the very first request was "now can we get rid of the X button in the corner that closes the application? Sigh – OK, the answer is yes.
Once in a while this question comes up about what to do when the user hits the Back button in a browser app. Well, the italian in me says "break their fingers", but most of my colleagues aren’t italian, so here’s a solution for the rest of you.
This is an in-depth explanation of how web clients consume licenses with a back-end MV DBMS. It might be too basic for some people but it should help to bring everyone up to a common level for discussions on this important topic.
If you’ve done any work with FlashCONNECT templates you know that you need to go through some contortions to get your code to work with them.
Whenever I read about ASP.NET Master Pages I’m immediately reminded of how they are just like FlashCONNECT w3HtmlInsertSection. See the code for the Template: Multiple Sections demo, then see this for a short intro to master pages: CodeGuru: An In-Depth Coverage of ASP.NET 2.0’s Master Pages: Part 1 of 3