Microsoft’s Interoperability Principles and IE8

This news is all over the place but I know it will be of interest to Nebula colleagues: From Microsoft:"We’ve decided that IE8 will, by default, interpret web content in the most standards compliant way it can. This decision is a change from what we’ve posted previously. Microsoft recently published a set of Interoperability Principles. Thinking about IE8’s behavior with […]

Migrating from PowWeb?

I seem to have drummed up a little passion from people still suffering over at my former web host PowWeb. Check here for referrals to my current hosts.

Remote System Access

There are a number of products that allow us to control other desktops, do presentations, etc.. I thought I’d share my experience with a few.

Website hacking, the dark side – Part 1

I have a couple pages that discuss hacking in the "white hat" sense of business website enhancement. There is another side to this that I think should be exposed. To beat a hacker you have to think like one, and if you aren’t thinking like one then your site may be vulnerable to someone who is. Let’s look at some […]

Explaining Usenet

Once in a while, people will ask questions in a Usenet forum that have nothing to do with the actual forum topic. One of our colleagues asked about the nature of Usenet itself in our comp.databases.pick newsgroup. I’ve posted a lot of info like this in CDP in the past but it seems to get lost in the ether, so […]

Switching Web Hosting Providers

The last several months have been hell as far as getting and sending email, and for a while dynamic pages on this site (like this blog) were returning server errors to our visitors. I finally changed my host for email and I’m about to switch HTTP services as well. Here’s the story.

Blog software upgraded

The site has been updated to WordPress v2.0.1, the very latest version of the blog software available. This requires the simultaneous update of many plugins from independent authors. As I find out what works with this release I will be adding some features and removing others – that’s how this game is played. Please let me know if you find any […]

WordPress Enhancements

 This post will contain a list of enhancement ideas that I come up with. At some point I’ll submit the list to them or I’ll try to do a couple of them myself.

WordPress WYSIWYG Editor

I was originally impressed with the WordPress WYSIWYG editor – then I saw limitations. Now, as with every aspect of WP, it seems this area can be customized or replaced altogether, so I guess I’ll find an adequate solution soon. 🙄