Relationship with DBI

Greetings DesignBais developers! Nebula Research and Development recently entered into an agreement with DesignBais International to provide Professional Services to and on behalf of DesignBais International, on an as-requested basis. In case you didn’t know me before, I just wanted to introduce myself.

DesignBais Tip – Image Location

Rather than putting application images directly into C:\db\images, put them in a folder under that. For example: C:\db\images\MyComp. This will help with upgrades, doing mass replacement of image files, etc. The default path used by DesignBais for images is images\ (with a trailing slash and relative to the base directory which is usually C:\db\. So, when referring to images, use […]

DesignBais Tip – Radio Buttons

Welcome to the first product usage tip for DesignBais on this blog! Radio buttons are mutually exclusive, round check boxes. Selecting one of them unsets all of the others. DesignBais does not yet natively support radio buttons, but we can simulate them using the image technique for toolbars and other controls (to be discussed in another tip).

The DesignBais Audience

DesignBais is a great product and perfectly suited to the Pick developer who doesn’t know or care about .NET, ODBC, sockets, ActiveX, Java, PHP, Perl, or any of these other tools that we discuss in public forums. I tend to say DesignBais is not for us, the geeks in the crowd, but that’s not entirely accurate.

What is DesignBais? Part 1

As many of you know I have been working with DesignBais for a while now. I’ve been impressed with it from the first time I saw it. This article contains excerpts from various forum postings I’ve made, and new material, to describe the product and explain my relationship with DesignBais International (DBI).

Technology choices: Windows, .NET, and mv.NET

This article discusses why I have chosen to work with Windows, the .NET Framework, and mv.NET for interfaces to MV DBMS applications. Feel free to disagree with my choices but maybe my reasoning will make sense to others who are trying to find their "home" amongst all of the available options.

Why mv.NET?

Connectivity into MV / Pick databases from object-oriented languages and mainstream products used to be difficult. These days it’s not tough at all, and highly affordable as well. There are many tools in our market that can do communications between MV and others, but I’ve settled on one tool that satisfies almost all of my needs for communications development. This […]