
Don’t Migrate – Integrate

Faced with a migration from your current software package? Lost a client to Oracle, SAP, Quckbooks? Many MV shops lose the war because they aren’t invited to the battles. And sometimes even the people who win wind up losing. There is a better way.

Mixed Messages

Why do I suddenly feel like someone just asked me if this computer thing will really catch on, or if water is a good idea?

D3 C Functions – Part 1: Confusing docs?

A recent forum posting said the D3 Reference Manual is "confused" about which %functions are for Unix and which are for Windows. I have a lot of comments on this topic but with just a couple minor exceptions I disagree with the statement that the doc is really "confused" anymore.

What do we have in Common?

One of our colleagues asked a good question in a forum yesterday about when to use UnNamed Common vs Named Common in Pick BASIC programs. I thought this would be a good opportunity to post some detailed information to the MV category here in the blog so that everyone could see it.

Is it OK to Extend DesignBais?

It’s started – people are getting more comfortable with DesignBais, learning the strengths and how to deal with the weaknesses. When the first release of a new application UI is in production and developers look back to see what they can do better (and respond to the end-user enhancement requests), they’re starting to get creative, get more out of the […]

ConText and Crimson – Long Lost Brothers?

We programmers are always happy to find tools that make our lives a little easier. Good code editors are hard to come by, and we don’t want to use different editors for VB, Java, C#, HTML, XML, PHP, Perl, Python, SQL, or a hundred other languages. Once in a long while an individual will take it upon himself to create […]

Why aren’t there more MV books?

This article is in response to an inquiry in the U2 forum. I think a lot of people are curious about this, though it’s been discussed many times in various forums – and over many meals by some of us…

DesignBais Tip – Changing MV Header Behavior

A user in the DesignBais forum asked if there was a way to use a Header Process to put data at the bottom of an MV grid, rather than changing the value of the currently selected MV value. This was a fun and challenging problem, and I have a solution. I don’t know if it’s the right one. But it […]

Pre-DevCon Thoughts

Next week InterSystems will be hosting their annual Developer Conference (DevCon) in Orlando, Florida. I will be attending this event and I thought I’d share some reasons why.

Microsoft-specific DST pages

I have to admit that I’m confused about the vast number of pages that contain information about changes required for Microsoft platforms. I’ve provided a concise summary here. If you don’t look at the Microsoft pages, just look at the bold text in this article.

Forum posting about DST

I decided to do another posting to some of our MV community forums, introducing people to the upcoming changes in Daylight Saving Time. The content is included here. If you already read the forum posting for this date, there’s nothing new here. But if you haven’t read the forum posting you might get some new insight about what’s involved with this […]

DST and Microsoft Development

We just got an email from Microsoft titled "Important Daylight Savings Time Update for Developers". (I found the same information at the link provided.) It discusses Visual Studio, Visual Source Safe, the .NET Framework, and C++ apps that reference time zones.

More notes on DST for 2007

Remember that USA Daylight Saving Time now ends on March 11, 2007 (second Sunday of March at 2:00AM), and re-starts on November 04, 2007 (first Sunday of November at 2:00AM). See other articles in the Time category of this blog for details, patches, etc. The information briefly provided here has been gathered since the last note on this DST topic.

Do you know the way to SOA?

OK, the title is a little tacky, but if you’re humming a tune about San Jose California then you get the joke. In response to a posting to the U2 User’s list I decided to post some comments here about Service Oriented Architecture.

First exposure to Caché

I’m working with a client who is considering a migration from Universe to Caché and I needed to get on the fast track to get familiar with the MV hooks that have been built in. Here are some comments.

Protected: mv.NET and PDP.NET comparison

I’m frequently asked to compare PDP.NET and mv.NET. I have therefore written this long list of reasons why I believe mv.NET is a better choice. This article is password-protected pending review but will be opened soon for public viewing. Until then, please email for access.